CJ Hotcake mix

백설 핫케익 믹스

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백설 촉촉하고 부드러운 핫케익 믹스

더욱 맛있는 핫케익을 만들려면 핫케익믹스 500g, 계란2개, 우유 400ml (또는 물 280ml) 가 필요합니다.


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CJ Foods

CJ Cheil Jedang is a South Korean food company based in Seoul that manufactures food ingredients, food, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology. Its brands include Beksul, Bibigo, CJ Hat Kimchi, DASIDA, Haechandle.Bibigo is a global Korean cuisine brand created by CJ Cheil Jedang to showcase the taste and culture of Korea.